China bald ohne Nachwuchs? Hat es Peking mit der Ein-Kind-Politik übertrieben? Fragen, mit der sich heute die LA Times beschäftigt: For the last quarter-century, China's one-child decree has been criticized by citizens and outsiders alike as draconian. But as the nation takes steps to ease its policy, with some cities encouraging certain families to have a second child, people like Zhang illustrate how difficult it will be for the government to root out ingrained attitudes. Having only one child is now widely accepted, especially among urban residents. In Shanghai, China's largest city, a recent government survey of about 20,000 young people found that more than 80% preferred to have just one child. Another 5% said they wanted no children at all. The findings worried officials all the more because this metropolis of 17 million was already grappling with plummeting births. Last year, about 57,000 babies were born in Shanghai, but there were nearly twice as many deaths. Such a large gap has profound implications for the future workforce and for an aging society. At the current rate, the city would face labor shortages, even with its sizable inflow of migrants. Shanghai, with its affluence, fast-paced lifestyle and gleaming skyscrapers, isn't a typical Chinese city. But researchers believe that its demographic quandary typifies what other areas in China will confront in coming years: a society with too few children.
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