
Viagra nicht patentgeschützt in China: Der US-Pharmakonzern Pfizer kann keinen Erfindungsschutz für seine Sexpille im Reich der Mitte geltend machen. Die Entscheidung wird als Vorläufer langer Auseinandersetzungen rund ums "geistige Eigentum" zwischen West und Fernost gesehen: Pfizer received a so-called use patent for Viagra from the Chinese in 2001, a decision that was challenged by producers of generic drugs. The challenge was considered by the patent re-examination board of China's State Intellectual Property Office, which ruled yesterday in favor of the generic drug makers, Pfizer said. The company indicated that it would appeal. While the case may foreshadow future battles over patents and trade between the two countries, it may have little practical effect on sales in China. Pfizer said that sales of genuine Viagra there were minimal. Viagra imitation drugs are widely available in much of Asia.


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