
Studie zur digitalen Gesellschaft in China

In der aktuellen Ausgabe von First Monday gibt es eine Untersuchung zweier chinesischer Forscher zu den Auswirkungen von Heim-Computern und Internet in China. Aus den Schlussbemerkungen:
Findings from this study suggest that income and urbanization have been the key factors behind growth in computer ownership and Internet use and the disparities in computer ownership between urban and rural households and across geographic regions in China. Also, the increasing use of computers and the Internet, together with other ICT, has resulted in both positive and negative impacts in Chinese society and some of the impacts, such as e–commerce and Internet addiction, have been widely reported by the mass media. As the average income continues to increase, there is almost no doubt that more Chinese will own computers and use the Internet and this trend will bring about both opportunities and challenges for human development and democracy in the world’s most populous country. For example, individuals may purchase goods and services; find information, employment, and even spouses; participate in educational and training programs; express political opinions and participate in public policy–making; and, promote community and social agendas over the Internet. Also, the Internet may have the potential to reduce the inequality of opportunities for education and information between urban and rural areas and across geographic regions.

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